how to clean your house for a new baby

How to Keep Your House Clean with a New Baby

Housework can be hard as a new parent. We've compiled time-saving tips on how to clean your home with a baby – and keep it that way.

Written by Stacey Kelleher.

As a new parent, it's easy to get overwhelmed by bottles, night feeding, and dirty baby clothes, but it's a well-known fact that an organized home is good for your mental health and sleep cycle.

That's why we've put together a simple routine – and baby-safe cleaning products – to help you manage the mess and feel less overwhelmed during those first magical months.

how to clean house with a baby

Start Prepping Before Your Baby Arrives

When bringing home a new baby, Puracy’s veteran parents have learned that preparation is key. There are a few simple things you can do to make it a relatively effortless transition.

Sterilize Baby Gear

Since your newborn’s immune system takes 2-3 months to mature, a consistent cleaning routine protects them from bacteria and viruses.During the “nesting” phase of your pregnancy, sterilize baby accessories and gear that your baby will be using in the coming months. This includes bottles, nipples, pacifiers, and teethers.

Puracy dish soap

Puracy Natural Dish Soap is ideal for any of these items: Its 99.41% natural formula is free of harsh chemicals and leaves surfaces free of tastes, smells, and potentially harmful residues.

Organize Your Space

You’ll quickly learn just how much “stuff” your baby requires. Take some time to rethink your space and find storage places for the gear you’ll be using every day. This can include high chairs, swings, bouncer seats, bottle warmers, and baby monitors. Having everything handy will make those first weeks go more smoothly.

Wash Clothes and Linens

Puracy baby laundry detergent

Washing new baby clothes and linens before they're born saves valuable time – especially since you’ll be changing them a lot after spit-ups and accidents. Our Natural Laundry Detergent is available in a "free and clear" formula. Since there are no dyes, optical whiteners, phosphates, fragrances, or sulfates in this 99.4% natural formula, it's safe for even the most sensitive skin.

Choose Natural Multi-Purpose Cleaning Products

baby safe cleaning supplies

Choosing multi-purpose cleaners means you'll only need a few, plant-based products (and that saves time and money). Consider Puracy Surface Cleaner. Its 99.51% natural formula safely removes gunk, grime, and goo on counters, electronics, glass, stainless steel, tables, toys – and just about any other surface you can think of!

Helpful Cleaning Tips for New Parents

how to clean your house for a new baby

Once your baby arrives, streamlining your cleaning routine will help keep your daily chores quick and manageable. We’ve reached out to Puracy parents to discover real world tips.

Create a Schedule

Tackling your to-do list by room (or by task) makes cleaning much more manageable. Make a list of all of the cleaning jobs you do each week or month, or consider downloading our printable chore chart.

Split the Workload

cleaning with a new baby

Enlist every member of the family to help keep the home clean. Even big brothers and sisters can help by picking up their clothes, sweeping, and wiping down surfaces with baby-friendly cleaning products.

Make a Cleaning Caddy

baby cleaning supplies

Instead of storing all of your products and supplies in various spots throughout your home, put together a portable “cleaning caddy.". Include microfiber cleaning cloths, multi-surface cleaner, stain remover, and carpet and upholstery shampoo to make quick work of every mess imaginable.

Hire a Professional

If you still can’t seem to get all of your household chores completed, consider enlisting a professional (even one monthly visit for maintenance). For parents with newborns, those few hours can be crucial. If it’s not in your budget, why not add semi-regular house cleaning to your baby registry?

Choose the Best Baby-Safe Cleaning Products

newborn baby cleaning supplies

As a family-focused brand, Puracy only creates plant-based products we feel confident using in our own homes. Formulated by biochemists and 100% cruelty free, we're proud to offer an entire lineup of cleaning and personal care products that are safe for your family and the environment.